Mission: To Promote the cultivation of Jazz Music through Performance, Education and Community Outreach.
Education Programs
Jazz Houston offers jazz appreciation experiences for music-lovers of all ages. In-school programs will include mentoring sessions for student players and introductory appreciation concerts for young children. Our educational programming extends into the community through the work of teaching artists and collaborations with hospitals, museums, and other nonprofit organizations.
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Concert Series
Jazz Houston presents an annual series of enticing Jazz concerts beginning in September of each calendar year and continuing through May of the following year. Our concert series consists of themed jazz concerts and a corresponding educational concert, both featuring the Jazz Houston Orchestra led by Artistic Director Vincent Gardner. The orchestra’s repertoire includes historic compositions, commissioned works, new compositions, and new arrangements.
Local and international artists also collaborate with our orchestra or perform with their own ensembles to present engaging season-specific concerts, cross-genre productions, and presentations with a range of performing artists.
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A Letter from Vincent Gardner
Houston is a vibrant, soulful, multicultural city that has always loved and supported its musicians and their music. Houstonians have a deep connection to jazz, America's original art form, through their love of the blues, their close geographical and cultural ties to Louisiana, and their many major jazz contributors. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to bring our vision for an internationally-recognized jazz institution to this city.
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To sustain our vision of a strong and thriving jazz program in Houston, we need your support. We hope you will share your expertise, ideas, and creative energy by volunteering with us. Be sure to fill out the form on our contact page to receive information.